Camping & Hotels
If you would like to spend the night over in Arnhem we advice you to contact the local VVV about information on sleeping places at camping’s or hotels. You can reach the VVV of Arnhem at:
VVV Arnhem, de Zuid Veluwe & de Liemers
Willemsplein 8, Postbus 552, 6800 AN Arnhem
T: 0900 20 240 75 (bijz. gesprekstarief)

How to reach Willemeen?
Willemeen, Willemsplein 1, Arnhem, Holland
Tel.: + 31(0)26-4426021

By train
Our club Willemeen is very easy to reach by train. The club is situated about 500 meters from the Central Train station of Arnhem.
When you leave the mainhall ( at the city center side of the station ), you turn to your left and follow the road for about 500 meters. This road will turn left towards the train rails again and you will end up at a railroad bridge. Before this railroad bridge, on your left-hand, there will be our club Willemeen.

By Car
Please check out the map for detailed information about how to reach the club by car. You can find a map of Arnhem at:
Search for:
Netherlands > Willemsplein > Arnhem > press search .